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man giving statement in court during interrogation

Leveraging Court Testimony: The Edge Private Investigators Bring to Winning Cases

When our clients hire us, the cases are fairly straight forward – They need us to find X evidence so they can make an educated decision about their business, safety, custody, life, etc. But sometimes those cases end up in court, and when they do the cases are often more complex and entwined in written documents. Amidst this sea of legal nuances, court testimony stands as a lighthouse, casting light on crucial details and guiding the case to a successful outcome. Its importance is unparalleled, effectively eliminating the “he said, she said” nuances, and ensuring the delivery of justice.

The Indispensable Role of Private Investigators in Court Testimony

Court testimony serves as an integral part of the judicial process. Its pivotal role lies in the power it has to sway the perspective of the judge or jury by providing the facts. Testimony provides firsthand evidence and details that other types of evidence might fail to deliver. It offers a detailed account of the incident under scrutiny, substantiates claims, and provides a human element to a case.

By alleviating the “he said, she said” scenarios that often plague court cases, private investigators introduce a level of objectivity that can significantly influence the outcome. In these scenarios, the contesting parties typically present conflicting versions of events that blur the truth, leading to ambiguity and indecision. Private investigators can offer unbiased, factual accounts that help clarify these cloudy circumstances.

Testimony and Corroborating Evidence: An Unbeatable Duo

As private investigators, our job is to bring “receipts” for lack of better terms. This is used as evidence in the court of law. This evidence, such as videos, photographs, or documents, affirms the testimony, creating an airtight case that leaves little room for doubt.

Take, for instance, a private investigator testifying about a person’s questionable activity caught on surveillance video. The spoken words (Testimony), when linked with concrete visual proof, transform the testimony into undeniable truth. In this context, the video serves as the ultimate fact-checker, ensuring that every aspect of the testimony aligns with observable reality.

The Importance of Professional Investigators in Court Testimony

The efficacy of a testimony is often determined by the credibility of the person delivering it. Here’s where professional investigators become invaluable. Investigators, with their in-depth knowledge, investigative skills, and ability to objectively observe and analyze, can provide compelling testimonies that resonate with the court.

Experienced investigators approach court testimonies with a high level of precision and meticulousness. They can detail their surveillance methods, present concrete evidence, and explain their conclusions in a manner that’s comprehensible to everyone in the court. This can turn the tide in favor of your case, ensuring that your allegations are not only heard but believed and acted upon.

Moreover, professional investigators can validate their testimonies with tangible proof and evidence, which they gather during their investigation. This can range from recorded interviews to video evidence, documentation, and even information from reliable sources. Their testimony, thus, becomes more than just words – it’s a substantial, undeniable proof of the truth.

Court Testimony: A Window Into Human Behavior

Court testimony offers a unique insight into human behavior, character, and activity, often making it the tipping point in a court case. For instance, a private investigator testifying about a person’s regular late-night activities could hint at an illicit affair in a divorce case. In a corporate lawsuit, testimony about suspicious behavior could expose fraud or embezzlement.

Through detailed observation and analysis, a professional investigator can shed light on patterns and actions that otherwise might go unnoticed. They can highlight red flags, underline inconsistencies, and present a narrative that connects the dots, revealing the full picture to the court.

Our founder, Al Perez, has over three decades of experience helping clients in and out of the court. We believe that court testimony is a crucial component in the quest for justice. It eliminates ambiguity, supports evidence, and offers a perspective that can lead to the resolution of a case. By hiring our team of investigators, you are equipping your case with a persuasive voice and evidence that can withstand scrutiny. Through our testimony, we can reveal insights into human behavior and activities that often prove to be the decisive factor in court cases.

Court testimony, therefore, isn’t just a formality or an accessory to the judicial process. It’s a powerful tool that, when wielded correctly, can turn the tides in your favor, ensuring justice is served and your case is won.

Risk of Unlicensed Private Investigators

The Risks of Hiring Unlicensed Private Investigators in Florida

Unlicensed investigators from other states are becoming a growing problem in Florida. These agencies are operating without the proper licensure and oversight, putting both clients and the general public at risk. By not obtaining a license and failing to follow state laws, these unlicensed investigators are engaging in illegal activity. Because many of these investigators are working from outside the state, they may not be subject to the same level of oversight and regulation as licensed Florida investigators. Furthermore, unlicensed investigators may not be held accountable for any illegal or unethical activities they engage in. According to the Florida State rules – performing work without a license is a felony on the second offense.

One of the main concerns with unlicensed investigators is that they often subcontract investigators who cannot get work in Florida. This means that the unlicensed investigators are hiring other unlicensed or inexperienced investigators to conduct investigations on their behalf. This can pose a significant risk to clients, as their personal information may be shared with multiple individuals who may not have the necessary training or experience to handle it properly.

When unlicensed investigators subcontract work to another investigator, they may not have the same level of control over the investigation as they would if they were conducting it themselves. This can lead to a lack of oversight and accountability, which can result in poor quality work and a lack of professionalism. Furthermore, the subcontractor may not have the same level of insurance and bonding as the original investigator, leaving clients vulnerable in the event of a mistake or error.

Not to mention, hiring an unlicensed investigator puts you at risk in court.

When an unlicensed investigator is used to collect evidence, there is a risk that the evidence may not be admissible in court. This is because courts have the discretion to exclude evidence that is obtained illegally or through unethical means. If the evidence collected by an unlicensed investigator is not admissible, it could weaken or even destroy your case. This could be especially damaging in criminal cases, where the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

In conclusion, hiring a private investigator who is not licensed in Florida is a huge liability. Not only are they breaking the law by not being licensed, but they also put your personal information and case at risk. It is important to do your due diligence and only work with licensed and reputable investigators to protect yourself and your case.

Gavel. Legal Concept | Aldesco Investigations | Florida Private Detective

Is it legal to hire a private investigator in Florida?

Simply put, yes, it is legal for you to hire a Private Investigator in Florida. Private Investigators are regulated and licensed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) in accordance with Chapter 493, Florida Statutes (F.S.). You can learn more about the license regulations here:

There are, however, some limitations as to what we can and cannot do. We also have certain regulations that we must abide for – one of them is displaying the active license somewhere on the website.

In Florida, there are two kinds of licenses that every private investigator must have. An “A” License, which is issued to the investigative firm, and a “C” License, which is given to the individual private eye.

An investigator with a C License needs to be attached to an agency that is licensed in the state of Florida.

If the Agency does not have a Florida license, then their investigators are not allowed to perform any investigations and or testify in court as the testimony will not be admissible in court.

What About Out of State Investigators & Agencies?

There are many out-of-state agencies that do not have a license in Florida and try to perform work in Florida. This is not allowed since any agency out of state must be hired initially out of state and are limited to how many days they can work in Florida. Some states are not granted permission to work in Florida at all.

To get around this issue, these investigative agencies hire a local agency in Florida at a discounted rate. That agency then needs pays a field investigator to handle the case at extremely low wage in order to turn a profit.

Not only is your data being shared across multiple parties, but the investigators are trying to save as much money as possible to try and make a profit.

If you have a case in Florida, we recommend working with an agency that is local to your case. That way you can rest assured that your data will be shared with a single agency and that the investigator is familiar with Florida laws/regulations.

Hiring a private investigator | Aldesco Investigations | Florida Private Investigator

Is it worth it to hire a Private Investigator?

The issue of whether or not to hire a Private Investigator is one that many people find difficult to answer.

This may be because it’s hard to know what the best course of action is, and how much it will cost before you take any steps. Fortunately, this article can help address both those issues.

It starts by discussing why someone might want to hire a Private Investigator in the first place, then provides some advice for weighing out your decision as well as an estimate on what you might expect to pay if you do decide to go ahead with such an endeavor. Finally, we’ll give you some tips on how hiring a private investigator can make your life easier and safer overall – even though it may seem like more trouble at first glance.

Why Hire a Private Investigator?

Although hiring a private investigator may seem like a daunting task, there are many ways in which they can help you.

First and foremost, private investigators are experts at gathering evidence.

If you need to find out if your spouse is cheating, or if your partner is being unfaithful, hiring a private investigator can be an effective way to get the proof you need.

Another great reason for hiring a private investigator is that they are discreet.

A lot of people become incredibly embarrassed when their spouse leaves them or they lose their job, and that’s why it’s so important to have an investigator who can keep your secrets confidential.

Hiring a private investigator can also help you feel more safe and secure.

If you’re feeling like something is up at work, or if you’re being stalked, having a private investigator on your side can give you the peace of mind you need to go about your life.

In any case, hiring a private investigator can be a great way to get the answers you need – in a discreet and efficient manner.

The Cost of Hiring a Private Investigator

Private Investigators typically charge by the hour, and rates can vary greatly depending on the investigator’s qualifications and experience.

You can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour, though some investigators may charge more or less depending on the case.

It’s important to keep in mind that most investigators require a retainer up front, which is usually enough to cover a full 8-hour day of surveillance.

So, if you’re thinking of hiring a private investigator, be prepared to pay around $600 for a workday of surveillance.

The Costs of Not Hiring a Private Investigator

There are many reasons why hiring a private investigator is the best decision. If you don’t hire one, however, there are also some serious costs that can come about as a result.

First and foremost, private investigators know the local state laws. We know the laws in Florida and know how to obtain court admissible evidence. If you conduct your own investigation, you could face jail time and jeopardize the case you are trying to build.

Second, private investigators have the experience and resources needed to get the job done quickly and efficiently. We have access to databases, tools, resources, and other professionals who can help us get the evidence you need. Without these resources, your investigation could take weeks or even months, and you may not get the results you’re looking for.

Third, private investigators are discreet. We know how to keep a case confidential and will never reveal our client’s identity without their permission. If you try to conduct your own investigation, you run the risk of being exposed and having all of your secrets revealed.

In short, Private investigators are experienced in conducting discreet and LEGAL investigations, and they can help you get the answers you need quickly and efficiently – without costing you a fortune.

Do you have a specific question about how it’s like to work with a private investigator? Send us an email, we’d be happy to help!

Surveillance | Aldesco Investigations | Florida Private Detective

What Kind of Surveillance do Private Investigators do?

When we think of surveillance, we often imagine government agencies and law enforcement offices. However, private investigators also utilize surveillance on a regular basis to solve cases for their clients. The type of surveillance they conduct is dependent upon the case and its needs. On this quick article, we’re going to cover some of the different types of surveillance services we offer; and when to use it.

Surveillance for family law matters:

When it comes to family law matters, a private investigator is invaluable. They can provide video evidence and observations to assist an attorney’s case buildout.

Surveillance is often used in divorces to show that an individual has been following the terms of their settlement agreement. It can also be helpful when determining if children are safe while being cared for by another person; such as during visitation, or with new significant others who may be guarding over them.

Additionally, a licensed private investigator can gather video footage to help determine if children are being abused, mistreated, taken to classes on time, or left at a baby sitter that is not approved by both parties. Our job is to gather video and photographic evidence in order to avoid “He Said; She Said” accusations and disputes.

Surveillance to Terminate Alimony

Alimony can be a tough decision for both parties fighting over who should get paid and how much. However, there may come the time when you feel like alimony payments are no longer necessary, and want them ended, because your ex-partner is now in a new relationship. If that’s the case, our investigators can work to help determine whether or not your partner is now involved with a new partner.

Surveillance to Assist in Alimony Payments

An ex-spouse can refuse to pay alimony if they say they are unemployed, when this happens, a private investigator may help get evidence and testimony that will prove employment. As private investigators, we could go a step further and conduct specialized background checks called “Asset Checks” in which we can help track down hidden assets.

Surveillance for Employment Verification

In any type of law cases, it can be important to prove an individual is employed if they are saying that they aren’t. Testimony and surveillance can show whether or not a subject is working for a company, how long they have been working for the company, as well as possible job duties and responsibilities. With this information, an attorney may be able to subpoena records from employers.

Surveillance for Infidelity

The decision to prove infidelity in a divorce or relationship can be difficult. If you are not sure if your partner is being faithful, it may help to use surveillance to discreetly monitor your partner.

If your spouse is spending marital assets on someone else this could be important in some states for a divorce case. Or if your family is accusing you of being the one that is breaking up the marriage without a good reason, then a surveillance can justify your actions and vindicate your decision.

Surveillance to prove a specific set of circumstances are taking place

Sometimes you just need to prove someone is doing what you know they are doing. Whether it be in a matter of a law case, personal matter, peace of mind, or something else, a private investigator can get you video evidence to help you make educated life changing decisions.

At Aldesco Investigations we provide “PEACE OF MIND” and have over 30 years experience in the field to help you find and prove what you want to achieve your goal.

Hire Local Private Investigator | Aldesco Investigations | Florida Private Detective

Why hire a local Private Investigator

A local private investigator is a must when hiring a professional, especially if you’re looking for a professional that has the experience you need to solve your case. With the Internet, many out of state Investigators are advertising in your area as claiming they service Fort Myers. Some out of state investigators are not licensed in Florida, and the few that are may not live in your immediate area. Some of these investigative firms will try to “farm out” – Sub Contract – the work other people at lower rates than what you hired them for. Unfortunately, this can lead down an unfortunate path where these “low cost” investigators drop the case for a higher paying client.

In some case, you hire an investigator that you trusted with your information, that investigator could farm out the case to a 3rd party, who in turn passes it down to a 4th party. Now we have 3 different agencies with your information.

In other, cases these Private Investigators travel 2 to 4 hours to work in your area which cannot guarantee they will be on time. This also means that they may not want to come back to testify once they have your money.

This is why it is important to work with an investigator that works and is based out of your service area request. This becomes important when you need someone to testify for you in court and is well known in the court by Attorneys and Judges etc. A local Private Investigator also knows the area he is working and is more familiar with his surroundings.

If you’re thinking about hiring a local Private Investigator, make sure that the license number is on the first page of their website, it is required by Florida Law. If they do not have it on the site then most likely they are not licensed in Florida and your case and money spent may not be of any value.

Remember any out of State Company, no matter how big they are, is making a profit off other Private Investigators in the area. Only a local Private Investigator who performs work locally is interested in his reputation as he is invested in the local area.

Do your research, check online reviews, request local references from attorneys or businesses. 

When checking reviews, make sure you find them on Google my Business as a Fort Myers Private Investigator. Some investigators fake reviews on their website, modify reviews, or may be false or misleading. 

We at Aldesco Investigations are Local to the SW Florida area of Fort Myers, Cape coral and Naples.

I hope this helps you in finding a Private Investigator as we provide peace of mind.